2013年11月11日 星期一

第六屆競技運動暨教練科學研討會 (6th Annual Coaches & Sport Science College)

Sport Science Lab 

這是到美國的第一篇部落格文章, 來到這個等待了幾年的博士班課程,


但是這裡的資源, 師資, 以及學習的環境



為校隊的運動員檢測, NIH(美國國衛院)的代謝症候群研究,

再加上在ETSU棒球隊擔任助理體能教練, 整個生活可說是緊湊又忙碌

能夠在Dr. Stone底下做事,不只是學習專業的知識,




(5th Annual Coaches & Sport Science College),

讓我對Sport Science有了更深的認識, 也對科學化的體能訓練大開眼界

往年都在12月舉辦, 但由於常受到大風雪影響講師行程

所以今年特別提早到1021~1023, 前兩天是研討會


由於UKSCA Dr.Stone 在英國任教期間與專家學者們努力建立的


UKSCA的體能教練 Accredited Strength & Conditioning Coach (ASCC)

"體能教練"的認證上甚至比NSCA更實際, 原因在於除了學科考試

還有術科考試,還有抽考的題目, 譬如會要你抽一個運動項目



The ETSU Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education 

is proud to invite you to the 6th Annual Coaches & Sport Science College. 

The conference will take place.October 21-22, 2011 and the UK Strength

 & Conditioning Accreditation will be held on October 23, 2010 at 9 am.

這次的研討會維持過去幾屆的風格, 強調"理論與實務的應用"

也很高興繼續拿到Gatorade(開特力), Perform Better 等大廠牌的贊助,


Training the machine, Fueling the machine: 

From theory to practice.

Friday October 21st, 2011
11-12:00pm – Registration
12-12:15pm – Introduction – Meg Stone
12:15-1:15pm – Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Training Process – Guy Hornsby
1:15-3:15pm – Acute Strategies to Improve Performances – Dr. Hugh Lamont
3:15-3:30pm – Break
3:30-6:00pm – Theory and Practical Aspects of Weightlifting Movements – Dr. Mike Stone
7:00pm – Banquet – Experiences in Developing an Olympic Venue – Mike Gattone

Saturday October 22nd, 2011
7-8:00am – Registration and Breakfast
8-8:15am – Introduction – Meg Stone
8:15-9:15am – Physiology of Sprint and Road Cycling – Dr. Mike Ramsey
9:15-10:45am – Training for Endurance and Sprint Cycling – John Graham
10:45-11:00am – Break11-12:15pm – Overtraining – Dr. Andy Fry
12:15-1:15pm – Lunch – Sportably – Jeremy Gentles
1:15-2:15pm – Nutrition for Individual and Team Sports- Mike Israetel
2:15-5:15pm – Applying the Language of Movement - Steve Plisk
5:15-6pm – Round Table

Sunday October 23rd, 2011 9am – UKSCA Certification Exam

這次的研習, 有兩個最讓我期待的地方是:


Dr. Stone Theory and Practical Aspects of Weightlifting Movements;

Coach Plisk Applying the Language of Movement

這是過去幾屆沒有的地方, 畢竟與會人員很多都是體能教練



Dr. RamseyPhysiology of Sprint and Road Cycling ;

Coach Graham Training for Endurance and Sprint Cycling

除此之外, 還請來目前擔任堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas ),

運動科學系系主任的Dr. Fry針對"Overtraining"做專題演講


2011 Keynote Speakers 演講者的介紹:

Meg Stone – Two-time Olympian and distinguished strength 

and conditioning coach.

Director of the Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education.

Coach Meg 目前擔任訓練中心的主任, 兩屆代表英國奧運的選手

以及無數的獲獎經歷(NCAA史上第一位女性體能教練, NSCA終生成就獎), 

訓練中心在她的帶領下, PHD課程緊密結合, 安排ETSU校隊的生理檢測和

體能訓練計畫, 也由於她過去傲人的運動成就, 我們才能夠得到各種大廠牌的贊助

尤其是她力爭之下, ETSU才能成為USOC(美國奧委會)的訓練分部

未來將進來的項目包括舉重, 自行車以及鐵人三項, 真是令人期待!!

Guy Hornsby Guy is the strength and conditioning coach for 

ETSU baseball and is the co-lab supervisor for the ETSU Sport Science lab.

Guy 是目前已經畢業的學長, 如果以中國人的說法, 他就是我們所謂的"大師兄" 

從名校West Virginia 轉學來到ETSU, 就是希望能遵循Dr. Stone的腳步成為優秀

Sport Scientist, 過去是Football選手, 來到ETSU接受Coach Meg的指導

成為田徑的擲部選手, 練就驚人的肌力和爆發力, 目前專攻舉重


Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Training Process.

Dr. Hugh Lamont– Second-year faculty member in the department 

of KLSS and adjunct faculty in the CESSCE. His research interests are: 

whole body vibration to improve high performance, post activation 

potentiation in athletes and non-athletes and acute and chronic 

adaptations to resistance exercise.

Dr. Lamont 畢業於運動科學名校 University of Oklahoma 專攻

神經肌肉生理和動作分析, 博士論文研究震動訓練(Whole body vibration),

目前也持續進行各種震動和PAP(Post activity Potentiation) 的研究.

(Dr. Stone  Dr. Ramsey 在我們實驗室的新生坐談會我們的 T-shirt"We're watching you"表示著我們隨時都注意運動員的檢測將訓練科學化)

Dr. Michael Stone – Professor Stone is the program coordinator

 for the PhD program in Sport Physiology and Performance.

 He is also the sports science lab coordinator. 

With a research interest in strength-power training and 

sports performance, Professor Stone was formerly the head of

 physiology for the USOC.

Dr. Michael Ramsey– Associate Professor in the department of KLSS 

and adjunct faculty in the CESSCE. His interests are the

cardiovascular adaptations to exercise and sport performance.

Dr. Ramsey is the undergraduate coordinator in the exercise and

sport science program.

Dr. Stone Dr. Ramsey是訓練中心創辦五年來最主要的教授群

關於Dr. StoneSport Science的貢獻, 這邊就不多家贅述.

Dr. Ramsey 畢業於名校德州農工(Texas A&M) 的運動生理博士班,

專攻心肺生理, 也是未來奧運訓練中心"自行車項目"的主要負責人.

John Graham– Presently the Director of community and corporate fitness 

with Lehigh Valley Hospital & Health Network in Allentown Penn.

 He is a fellow of the  NSCA and Presidentof Power Agility & Speed.

 Member of the NSCA certification board and an associate editor 

of  the NSCA Journal.

Coach Graham 是非常有名的體能教練, 出版過許多訓練的書籍和訓練相關影片,


這次演講的主題是"Training for Endurance and Sprint Cycling".

Dr. Andy Fry– Chair and Professor in the department of Health, 

Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Kansas as well as the 

Director of Research for the Research and Coaching Performance team.

NSCA 2005 outstanding Sport Scientist of the year award.

Dr. Fry目前擔任堪薩斯大學 (University of Kansas ) 運動科學系的系主任,

是美國在阻力訓練對於運動表現(Sport Performance)研究上非常重要的科學家

目前也與堪薩斯大學的運動部門合作進行Sport Science的相關研究.

Michael Israetel –Originally from Moscow, Russia, received his bachelor’s 

in Movement Science from U of M and his master’s of Exercise Science 

at ASU. His doctoral studies are being done at ETSU in Sport Physiology.

Mike(圖中那位壯漢) 目前為畢業的學長, 以前擔任女排的體能教練

專長是訓練生理學和營養增補劑, 是健力和健美選手

也是我個人認為學生群裡"學理基礎" 最好的一位.

Steve Plisk– The Director/Proprietor of Excelsior Sports.

 Former Director of Sports Conditioning and worked and 

coordinated with football and all  intercollegiate sports 

at Yale University, University of Memphis, U.S. Olympic Training 

Center and James Madison University.

最後一位介紹的是鼎鼎大名的Coach Plisk, Dr. Stone 曾經在文章中公開讚美他

是學理基礎最強的一位體能教練, 因為我曾有一陣子瘋狂收集資料

發現他除了各種體能訓練著作外, 還有許多"研究期刊"發表,


如果大家有仔細看NSCA的教科書: Strength Training and Conditioning 裡面所有的

章節都是由博士所撰寫, 只有其中一個不是博士學位作者的章節 Speed, agility

 and Speed-endurance development就是由 Coach Plisk 所寫的

這次他負責三小時的實務操作, 主題是:"Applying the Language of Movement".


"We're training the movement, not muscle"  

Coach Plisk 將會帶給我們什麼訊息和知識, 真的讓我萬般期待!!

The Center of  Excellence  for Sport Science and Coach Education (CESSCE) 
will be hosting posters for its Sixth Annual Coaches College. The subject matter must deal directly or indirectly with the enhancement of competitive athletes.  Posters can deal with advances in coaching,coaching methods, or biomechanical, psychological, physiological or sports medicine aspects. The deadline for acceptance is September 23th, 2011, (no exceptions).

ETSU 的吉祥物 Bucky

除了講座外, 研討會也接受各種與Sport Science相關的研究海報發表



都可以與我聯絡, 我會盡量盡地主之誼

希望能夠有越來越多台灣的同好們加入我們Sport Science的行列!!




